Good Evening!
Written by
Deborah Ailman
March 2016
Written by
Deborah Ailman
March 2016

You’re gonna find it…you’re gonna find that exact match to the vibration you’re putting out there.

So, if you want people to be nice to you then you approach people with a smile and an extended hand.If you want good things to happen then we must first see them in our mind’s eye as having already happened- now how would you feel if the thing you want most in life was right there beside you? It would feel really good,right? Now you feel pretty good, right?

Sitting alone in a corner berating your fate while saying stuff like “Poor me, I never get what I want,” pretty much guarantees that you are not going to have too much good stuff going on.

Put those good feelings out there. Focus now on something you have right now that makes you happy and puts a big smile on your face. Think of it often- as often as you can. Staying in that “feel good” mode opens up more doors that allow positive circumstances to enter your life- and stay there.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing #debbieailman #positivethinking #lifecoaching #LOA

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