Author Interview
Written by
Simone Da Costa
November 2013
Written by
Simone Da Costa
November 2013

Roy Dan Baron

Philosopher, first nation healer, humanity activist  

Roy Dan Baron

I have lived my life with a passion for healing. I helped develop an infrastructure that raised thousands to support Midway Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in Knoxville, Tennessee that my mom, Eleanor Wigler, started in the 1970s.

That program still thrives today. I give of my time and money to support charities that support homeless children in Atlanta, Georgia and work to support homeless and domestic abuse shelters.

I am starting new clinics using Yoga, Light, and other healing modalities to heal our Veterans. I am looking to promote that a Veteran has the right to go to any hospital without any bill, not just to Veterans’ hospitals.

The Interview 

What was the purpose for writing Looking Glass Shattered

DB: I became disappointed with popular therapy, self-help and charity. Many charities are not donating the time and money as I know they can. Popular therapy and self-help can prevent healing. This is why I created the Looking Glass Shattered—Questions and Answers that Heal Old Wounds diary. This diary has the healing that works. 

I was constantly working on this book while I travelled across the USA and it helped save my life. Had I followed many of the words of wisdom I could have prevented unnecessary sufferings in my life and I know that the words of wisdom I have in here will help others prevent pain. 

The attached picture is Dan Baron in front of the Los Angeles Union Station to detail one of the many important places I had to go to in order to complete my book, Looking Glass Shattered, and gain the courage to start our Global Compassion Parties. 

I created Looking Glass Shattered based on the Alice's Adventures in Wonderland sequel, Through the Looking-Glass, to help humanity own a kinder, safer and more compassionate place. Global Compassion says love expressed is compassion. Compassion is accepting needs and sorrows of others as one’s own. I created this book to detail my own forty-five years of living, sprinkle in important stories about my life and give educational advice that has helped my journey. The entire book is intended to be a diary or journal writing. The intention is to help others see the incredible value of using pictures, daily journaling, well-being availability and compassion-based listening to gather the diary which has incredible and unique healing modalities. 

I have been in therapy for decades and I grew frustrated with all the current choices we have to transcend post-traumatic stress disorder, trauma and all old wounds. I have a lot of ambition to one day hire several therapists who will teach the Looking Glass Shattered modality of healing.  This diary is also meant to be a workbook which will eventually be taught in educational systems. I am going to heal a lot of people with this book at the individual, community and country levels. 

Your book is about your travel across the US. Why was it important to write about your experience? Is there a message you are trying to convey? 

DB: I sold my car in the summer of 2011 and survived taking public transportation for the last two years. As it turned out I got a car in September 2013 and found that it is time for me to start driving again to complete many of the ambitious goals I have. 

At the core to my travels across the US, my experiences and the messages are that I am a Humanitarian. I believe that whether one is a president of a company or a janitor we each are enrolled into the only tribe with any importance of being a member. Each of us is enrolled into humanity. I have many important messages to discuss in this diary however the combination of humanitarianism and compassion are two of the major messages I am conveying. I believe each of us came from Africa and we are all 99.99% genetically the same. I can give a blood transfusion to at least one person of the many continents of the world. I am also a proud organ donor and look forward to when others of all backgrounds can use my organs long after my death. 

These questions and answers are said to myself and others. If we hold the answers to the following questions as noble truths then over 7.2 billion members of humanity will be healed. 

What are your politics, religion, spirituality and beliefs? Where are you going, who are you and where are you? What caste, background and societal position do you have? Are you rich, poor, homeless or with a home? What are your genetics and ancestry? 

Tip: My answer is that I am enrolled in our human race. Humanity is my politics, religion, spirituality and beliefs. Humanity is where I am going, who I am and where I am. Humanity is my caste, my background and my societal position. Humanity is my rich, poor, homeless and with a home. Humanity is my genetics and ancestry. 

What made you decide to do a twenty-six month 'walkabout' across the USA? 

DB: It was March 2011 and I jumped out of an airplane, sold all of my stuff and started hiking the Appalachian Trails. When I started hiking I was at two-hundred-and-thirty pounds! I had just seen a doctor who wanted me to get on cholesterol medication. My ideal weight is one-hundredand-seventy-five pounds. I used to attach to many jobs I hated. While working these jobs I gained a lot of weight from unhappiness.  

I started this ‘walkabout’ due to this sadness and my strong desire to reinvent myself to be a public speaker, healer and advocate for humanity. I wanted to create my book to be the best I know it can be. I am a bit of a perfectionist and I was encountering new people, places and events on this journey inspiring me to make some major changes in my life and in the book.  Eventually I need to write a screenplay about these travels. I am excited to see writings evolve into a documentary and movie. 

How has your trek across the USA transformed your life? Has it inspired others? 

DB: Liberty, justice, equality and freedom are easily hand-delivered to humanity yet Dan Baron's (My Human Compassion's) two-year transcending Light quest through cities and wildernesses uncovered that life is not fair. 

What can we do to make life fairer? Should we be rid of all attachments to have everything in one backpack? Could we abandon home to randomly roam the country? Why must we own womb-birth guaranteed human civil rights? 

Follow along with My Human Compassion who is on a desperate quest to answer these questions and give humanity the tools for healing before its collective journey heads into extinction. 

This is my (universal aum sound vibrations telling us that everything is in constant change): evolutionary approach to heal old wounds so we can own new life foundations of success and happiness! These writings cannot be put down and its truths are impossible to forget. How is my inner-self light shining on my road to transcending? 

Any regrets about making such a life-altering decision? 

DB: I do not have any regrets about this life-altering decision. This quest brought so much love, compassion and collaboration to my life. I have so many new friends and connections due to taking this life-altering decision. 

I learned that I must own purpose in every moment and transcend awareness. I allow myself to own the now in every moment. I tune into my crown, heart and body for guidance. 

Letting go of old wounds is not easy. My past is over and living there destroyed my ability to fully experience the present. I feared what was in my future so I could never enjoy my now. I must live for today so I can enjoy the love of humanity and divine healing. This is my leap of faith that guides my unique transcending journey. 

In Looking Glass Shattered you promote love and healing amongst other things. Why is this important for you and in today’s world? 

DB: I ask myself if my current healing improves my daily living or if I need to make changes. I create lists of what I love about the flaws, perfections, sufferings and compassions of my stability-healing heroes. I put my three fingers together as a symbol of healing action. I say this phrase three times, “May all my healings come true.” 

A First Nations healing symbol is the 119-fearless hand with three fingers rising up. The 119fearlessness removes 9/11 and all known or unknown fears. This symbol transcends my freedom. I use a lot of newly invented and very creative symbols in this book to help others on their journey. 

What can readers expect when they read your book? 

DB: I write down honest diary entries. I owned my old wounds far longer than I was aware of. I share my writings with stability-healing heroes. 

There is never any specific time limit for healing. Each person heals in the time that works best for her or him. The book is written to feature the wisdoms of my over forty-five years of life on Earth and to help promote journal writing. Looking Glass Shattered is the self-help book or diary which I always needed yet never existed before—until today! 

Please explain this healing power of the number three that you strongly believe in. 

DB: The healing power of the number three exists in every culture. Energy, matter and light are three essentials making up all living and non-living things. Our planet Earth is the third planet from the Sun. Everything evolves from three and everyone is attached to three. 

Aum and its symbol remind me of constant continual change. This is what everyone and everything must go through. Aum holds all known and unknown matter, energy and light. It vibrates throughout the body and penetrates every soul.  

The number three has led my life. My childhood address and a relative’s phone number have 8333. The totals on my bills often contain 3 or 333. I check the time and it usually has a 3, 33 or 333. This is a 333 New York City address I visited on my quest. 

Where did your passion to help the homeless, drug addicts and the domestically abused etcetera come from? 

DB: My life has involved healing. I helped develop the infrastructure for and raised thousands to support a halfway-house in Knoxville, Tennessee. My mom started this rehabilitation center in the 1970s. Their mission educates others on how to overcome addictions. I gave my time and money to a charity that helps heal homeless children in Atlanta, Georgia. I lead the creation of a dinner and raised money to give presents to children who had never celebrated Christmas. My human compassion sprung forth to give them what they never had. They got every present on their wish list. I have worked at homeless and domestic abuse shelters. I love to help teach others on how to attain a happy success-filled life. I share my writings of inspiration and hope. I donated hundreds to help support a foundation in Portland, Oregon that creates new charities. I donated clothes to help Hurricane Irene victims in Vermont. I love to help heal others. 

You helped to develop an infrastructure that raised thousands to support Midway Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in Knoxville, Tennessee that was started by your mother, Eleanor Wigler, in 1970s. How does it make you feel knowing that it still thrives today? 

DB: This is a fabulous feeling to know that the non-profit my mother started in the 1970s continues to thrive today. My mom helped groom the current CEO, Steve McNish, to take over the reins of the company. This center has helped heal so many people. I had some amazing synchronicity when I went with my mother to visit my Grandma Helen shortly before she died at age one-hundred-and-eight. She was in a nursing home near Knoxville, Tennessee and one of her roommates had attended the Midway Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center program. Her roommate said the program transformed her life and kept her alive today. This was not coincidence, it was fate. I am carrying on the torch of many things my mom was involved in. 

Each life of over 7.2 billion members of humanity is a unique transcending universe unto itself.  Dan Baron (My Human Compassion) is in the business of saving universes! 

How has the rehabilitation centre helped others? 

DB: Our mission is to assist individuals who have made a commitment to remain sober, develop an improved lifestyle and become a contributing member of the community. 

Midway Rehabilitation Center operates on the basic philosophy: 

  1. Individuals are responsible for their behaviour. 
  2. Individuals have the ability to change their behaviour. 
  3. Midway is a comprehensive extended-care program offering a highly structured living environment for individuals re-entering the mainstream of society. 
  4. Residents progress through a level system (L-1 to L-5) by completing course work and maintaining appropriate behaviour. Course work consists of weekly educational groups in Basic Life Skills, Parenting, Employment Assistance and Substance Abuse. Resident level changes are determined by a consensus of a Program Review Team. Advancement in levels translates into privileges such as free time, passes and eventually home confinement. The level system allows for closer monitoring of a resident’s progress and assists staff in identifying residents who are experiencing difficulty in adjusting to the program and society. 
  5. Midway is staffed 24 hours each day, seven days a week by CPR/First Aid trained, awake staff. The contract physician provides physical exams within 14 days for any individuals who have not had a medical examination in the past six months. 
  6. Evaluation of vocational, medical, behavioral and emotional needs provides the basis for treatment planning. Individual treatment plans are reviewed and updated as needed, but no less than every 30 days. 

The out-patient program offers a variety of different programs depending on the need of the client. Weekly process groups are conducted for people in recovery who need to focus on the day-to-day aspects of abstinence. These groups are facilitated by a licensed alcohol and drug addiction counselor or a professional counselor. 

Individual sessions are available to those who need more specialized care. The length of services varies according to the individual’s progress towards sustainable sobriety. 

What’s next for you? 

DB: I just created a new website,, which emulates I was profoundly influenced when I recently attended a week-long event hosted by Amma in Los Angeles, California. I see a tremendous synergy in eventually growing to be where is today. We can use anu, the Nigerian word for compassion, to help grow some new clinics, hospitals and shelters for homeless that really do help heal a lot of people. 

I have talked about some of my goals to be in the political arena, however, I look at really having this as a concept and ideals on how we can groom future leaders to own compassion, love, collaboration and unity. I am working on a second book for travelling to Asia and Africa. My first book Looking Glass Shattered focuses more on healing at the individual level. The second book will feature healing at the community, state and country levels.  

I have been on three radio shows recently to discuss my ideals of compassion, gross national happiness and collaboration. There are many other radio and talk shows which are coming up soon to bring about these important healing messages.

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