'Men with Coolers'
Written by
Sherri McFadden
October 2012
Written by
Sherri McFadden
October 2012

My husband and I went to WalMart yesterday looking for a cooler on wheels for camping.
He found the one he was looking for so he pulled it down from the shelf (it was huge) and put it on the floor and stared at it for 20 minutes. Why do men do that??
He stared at one side, tilted his head from left to right like he was looking at a car to buy!!! Then he looked at the other side. Put his hands on his chin and stared for another 5 minutes! What did he think? It was going to talk to him???
Then, he opens it up and starts the process all over again! When he finished he put it back on the shelf and said "OK, let's go.....maybe we will buy it when its on sale." MEN!!!!! Strange creatures!!!

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