Exciting News! and get your copy of "Art of Winter" for $30
I'm now singing my own version of the "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" song!
Some people have told me they don't understand what it takes to back or pledge to support my book. 
It's easy and it doesn't take much.
Pledging is as simple as making a pledge to National Public Radio or Public Television. 
You tell them how much you're willing to give and then they tell you all the wonderful items you will receive based on that amount.
Backing my book is just as easy. And it doesn't take a lot of money or time.
It only takes $30 and a couple minutes to pledge to get a copy of my stunning book.
Go to the Kickstarter web site click on the green button on the right hand side and away you go!
In the next 17 days I need a 95 people to pledge $30.
So I'm now singing "95 pledges to go, 95 pledges to go, take one down, pass it around..."
Or to put it another way, I need to raise $2851 in various amounts in 17 days.
This campaign to raise $8000 is 64% of the way there. 
It's all or nothing. When the campaign ends on my grandmother's birthday, April 15th, I will have either raised that money or not.
If I don't raise the full amount I get none of what's been pledged and your credit card is not charged anything.
If I do raise it you will get what you pledged for and the great feeling of helping someone realize a dream!
But time is of the essence. I have only 17 more days to raise this money or else I don't get any of it.
With your help this can be done! But only with your help and the sooner the better.
Once you pledge, I'll send you a big THANK YOU! and take you off the email list.
So thank you for taking the time today to pledge and to ask your family, friends and colleagues to pledge with you and help this happen.
And speaking of friends and family - pledge a little more and get a couple copies to give as gifts. One gal pledged $125 and will get a copy for herself and two copies to give as Christmas gifts plus she gets her name in the acknowledgments page!
And the exciting new: an internationally known nature photographer has agreed to endorse my book! 
Stay tuned for more details.
10 Reasons You Want to Buy My Book:
Reason #2 - to get holiday shopping out of the way - pay in April with July delivery
Reason #1 - you've been meaning to pledge
Thank you again,

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