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  • What Is This Thing Called LOVE That We Are Searching For?
What Is This Thing Called LOVE That We Are Searching For?
Written by
November 2011
Written by
November 2011
   Love is to know, to see and to understand a glorious feeling that comes so slowly and gently upon us. Love is to always walk with the angels at your side and know that you are, who you say you are, a soul who now resides on top of all that aches the world. This love when it came to me, it changed me and made me see the beauty that lay before me in everything of this world, it lifted me up to places I could never dream to rise. Oh! God, is this a mystery, and why have you chosen me. Will I ever be the same, no hate, no shame, no blame. Can I call you by your first name: love, happiness, joy, or blissfulness. Yes, the very best is here, for it is with you that I will share this thing called love.
     This love is a warm feeling that I cannot explain. All I know is that it will make your heart weep, cause you to lose sleep and not have any desire to eat, over the one it holds tight in your heart. It comes to us, only when our hearts are truly open to see and ready to receive. It is gentle and it is caring, it knows no pain, only to bring us the joy of knowing we will forever bask in its glowing light.
    Like a steal in the night, to find such a peace within this place we know to be our beating heart. Come walk with me in the bursting sunshine and know me as I come onto you, feel me as I descend upon you and open your heart to receive all that I am. Oh! How good it feels to have you as my guiding light, holding and caressing me from head to toe within the depth of my soul. Love, I bow down to you in all your regal glory, for you have come to save me from drowning in self-pity. You took me out of a world, where it was dark and away from your glowing light. Let me lift up my arms and face the blue skies, from where I know this love was sent to me. I will love you today, tomorrow and forever more.


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