• Jordan A.
  • Caught My Eye: TED Talk on The Uniform Project
Caught My Eye: TED Talk on The Uniform Project
Written by
Jordan A.
June 2011
Written by
Jordan A.
June 2011
The Uniform Project is truly where fashion meets activism. It is an interesting project in that it took the deceptively simple challenge of wearing one black dress every day for a year and made it a metaphor that people could invest in - bringing kids the money they needed to go to school.

I am particularly impressed with the way Sheena Matheiken explained the idea at TED Dubai. It was inspiring to hear her speak about the impact and the uses of everyday challenges like these. She brings together a confluence of factors (look-at-me blogging, personal style, and sustainable fashion practices) in order to create her own brand of personal is political activism.

Though The Uniform Project is now over two years old, I am still awed by the way that this simple idea took hold and helped a lot of underprivileged children find their way to school. Watch the video and check through the archives for some more greatness.

Want more media for consumption? Check out the rest of the Caught My Eye series.
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