A Child Buried Today
A Child Buried Today A child buried today. I listen to women of rain. . . tears covered by veils of darkness – shadows of women. Cyprus, Sri Lanka - mourn the prostitution of their daughters, and empty stomachs - deformity, and disease. A blaze thickens in a woman’s heart - Invisible - imprisons a soul, as fear saturates their bodies. A brave assault, motionless - a life swept past - ash - beneath a rock. It’s March - oh I shall weep as I see those abandoned - abused - left on a street. April. - “I shall seek not to deliver,” she spoke – touching her swollen belly, sick, and dying. In May – brave souls on the edge, arrive to help those crying tears and too - doctors are torn apart by war. June - I sit patiently and no one hears the sting. She told me, “I buried my child today.” Nancy Duci Denofio

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