List Your Site or Blog
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Have a site or Blog that deals with dating, romance, relationships, singles, couples, etc. Send us the title, a short description, (50 words or less) URL, and we will list it on our One World Singles Magazine Blog ( sometime during the month of December. Deadline November 15, 2013. Send details to [email protected] and in subject line type: My Site Listing. Thank you.
  • Hi Sidney:
    Thank you for providing the link to your beautiful site. To make certain the information you want on One World Singles Magazine Blog is to your satisfaction, please send us the title and the 50 words or less description of your Blog to our e-mail address at [email protected] - Since your book is published on Front Porch Romance, this would be another site that we can add to our Blog. Remember, listing(s) deadline is November 15, 2013.