Word Count
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Here's a question that I haven't been smart enough to ask until now.

When I'm assigned an article of 1000 words, I always turn in an article of almost exactly 1000.  The margin of error I'd allow myself would be 950 - 1050.  I do this because I aim to follow instructions.  But often this means making stark choices-- cutting out quotes that the editor might have enjoyed.  

I could turn in 1200, and let the editor decide which ideas are most important.  But that seems sloppy--as if I didn't want to make the tough choices, and instead foisted them onto someone else.

What would you do?

  • Sarah I can be very wordy and run into this. My weekly column requires 400 words (very easy) and recommends a maximum of 1000 so readers don't have to scroll around. Every week I just write, and often come over 1000 words. I hate it, because I really want to get all the information to my readers, but rules are rules. So I try to just make sure I have the critical points covered and cut back on examples or quotes. If I have a friend around I will have them take a look to see what they feel is unnecessary.


    I am also interested in other writer's replies.