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  • WOW - Weaving Oracular Wisdom
WOW - Weaving Oracular Wisdom
Latest activity: September 2017
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Are you a lucid dreamer? Do you remember your dreams? Are you aware that knowledge and cultural memory can be transmitted through dreams? If you answered "no" to any of these questions, do not feel bed. Many are unaware of the depth of value dreams play in our growth and development, or how they connect us to a distant past for an enhanced experience of the present. While most cosign see more...

open group
It has been some time away! I will make an effort not to make that a habit. What's new? Well, I've journeyed from Kathmandu, Nepal to Dahab, Egypt to ground the pure visions, lucid dreams, and knowledge gained through my meditative/shamanic journeys. Much has been revealed, and I am steady at work to honor this process. I'm developing a mystery school that focuses on the rejuvenation and restoration of the sacerdotal woman through pure vision, lucid dreaming, shamanic vision, and sacred dance. It may sound like it's a lot of work because it is! It's not only what I'm passionate about, it's what I am here to do - my purpose. I'll make a commitment to post once a week on my progress. It wouldn't be fair to leave any of you alone is the dusty winds of cyberspace.
  • Started by Alaya A. Dannu
    What are some creative ways you can think of to engage your dreams? Have you thought of creating choreographies inspired by them? Or short stories?...
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    Started by CarolinaAksenova
    It's a nice idea! I will follow https://awriter.org/essay-company-com-review/ your advice and do everything you've said! It's a great way out indeed....
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