• November 2014
    Pamela, I followed the same path--I completed a memoir, and then began a novel. I also am a blogger, and blog with relative ease. I went through the same terror. My critique group kept encouraging me to have fun, and finally, I am--although I'm in...
  • May 2014
    Good post, Brooke, thank you. Yes, I require accountability. For me, it's about showing up at the same time every day. If I take even two days off, the muse wanders away. When I parsed at my life, I discovered that I was going to bed at 10 pm, and...
  • April 2014
    I recently went to a Redwood Writers meeting in Sonoma County, CA, where Jenn Sterling spoke. She and a bunch of writer friends who all write in the same genre (for young twenty-somethings) have begun creating events like this, where a bunch of...
  • April 2014
    Right on, Mary Lou. (But easier said than done, yes?)
  • April 2014
    Glo's comment seems so true. Really solid advice. Give it time. And Linda, too: praise never made us better writers. Criticism can vary. I appreciate the constructive kind, but occasionally I've experienced harsh, rather mean retorts. Oh well....
  • April 2014
    Yes, I went back to a memoir that I wrote ten years ago. I let it cool for five years, and now have gone through the whole thing again in two writing groups. It's much tighter and cleaner now.
  • April 2014
    A wonderful list of 10. I can't think of another one to add. I wonder if number 6 should be number 1??
  • March 2014
    I agree, Meg. I wrote my memoir to gain perspective on my weaknesses and strengths during the time in question. The writing unveiled a host of feelings I wasn't even aware of prior to the writing of it. It also gave me insight into my husbands of...
  • March 2014
    Wow, Meg, I haven't done that--well I have, with the women involved. But not the men. Not my previous husbands. I've been sitting with that--one has become a friend again; I may need to show the chapters to him. A couple of incidents occurred while...
  • March 2014
    Hi Meg, I've completed the final draft of a memoir, and I changed all the names except my own. It's the only way I felt I could comfortably tell the truth, as I see it. Particularly one man in the story has turned out to be a fine older adult. He...

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