

Discussion topics

  • Started by Jenny Steffan
    When it comes to computer games, gamers often prefer to have the best experience ever....o inputs. Please choose a monitor that can take both the VGA and the HDMI. The modern affordable gaming monitors...
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  • Thanks. Yeah, really a Kinko's might be more affordable and with desktop publishing as sophisticated as it is, I bet they could do it. He can always seek a conventional publisher down the line.
  • Started by Jenny Steffan
    Smooth and healthy skin is something that everybody needs to have or have. It is something that promotes the magnificence and character of a person. Everybody does way...
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  • Thanks, ladies!  @Susan, I think your popcorn idea is adorable.  Popcorn is utterly affordable, and so thematic!  @Love, I can only imagine.  Since the publication of my cookbook, I've gained a lot of empathy for publicists!
  • Good morning, Sunny. Thank you for your very valuable input. Very interesting and... very true. But, a writer has to discipline herself and stay in a routine if she wa...
  •  This is a great subject and I'm really glad we're going to have a recurring blog about it. Thanks Cait! Good revision's are a writers best revenge on a unruly or out...