

Discussion topics

  • Jennifer--I've been thinking about the question in the header of this discussion since...up is a straw dog. Who really thinks about motherhood in a Leave it to Beaver mode anymore? To pretend that you...
  • Letters are definitely becoming a distant memory, and I too, find that I cherish anything written that appears in my mailbox these days, even if it'd disguised as a no...
  • Susan,  Do you blog every day? Not always. At first I did. Now, I usually blog on Sundays (preparing about 3 posts for the week) or when inspiration comes to me.  Do...


  • Catherine Marshall-Smith posted a status
    Why I Write For me being a writer is organic and not a choice. The need to tell stories was in place long before I became aware of it and started writing. Before I wr...


  • I learned this when my kids were small and then again when they were emotional teenagers. When they'd get into Debbie-Downer mode, I do a little analysis such...
  • This is hilarious. I, too, like to eat almond butter, and I well remember the day I went into Whole Foods with almond butter on my list and saw that $19.99 price tag....
  • Love this question! I have quite a stack-subjects ranging from farmers to cheesemakers. Also, just picked up beautiful fiction (The Blind Contessa’s New Machine) remi...