Good Evening!
Written by
Deborah Ailman
January 2016
Written by
Deborah Ailman
January 2016

It’s time to breathe…and relax. Really. It’s time to let some of the things that irritate us to just roll off our backs. After all, how many things can we get upset about?

Are we really going to have a coronary over having to wait on a red light to turn green? Are we really going to get upset over the line being a little longer than usual at the grocery store or that we’re having dinner at 6:35PM and not 6:30?

There are major upsets in life to be sure and things that are certainly not pleasant. But these little irritants can really get to you if you let them. They can wear you down so you have less energy to face the big stuff… so breathe and relax.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #counselingwithdebbie #lifecoaching #debbieailman #positivethinking #crystalhealing

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