How She Writes has changed my life
Written by
Rita Gardner
June 2015
Written by
Rita Gardner
June 2015

Kamy Wicoff just posted a request for comments about how She Writes has changed our writing. Here's my heartfelt response: I recently unearthed a written vision statement I’d penned to myself 10 years ago – when I started writing my memoir “The Coconut Latitudes.” It was full of lofty goals including the “upwards of $50,000” advance and the obligatory stint on Oprah. WELL. Ten years later, while neither of those particular dreams came true, my She Writes publishing experience has yielded far more valuable treasures. One is the rich friendships and connections I’ve made with other She-Writers –these are priceless gifts. Another prize was the inestimable help from my editor, Liz Kracht, selected from She Writes-approved list of candidates with whom to work. Thirdly was the continued help and dogged commitment from Brooke Warner, Kamy Wicoff, Cait Levin and the entire She Writes team. I feel as though—for the first time in my life—I actually occupy myself rather than presenting myself as I want others to think of me. The biggest gift of all has been purely—surprise after surprise! Such as: Discovering my story moved many to tears; prompting them to share parts of their painful pasts for the first time. Making unexpected family connections (again, a present larger than any amounts of money or fame.) The shock of finding out I’m already twice a Gold Award winner (and just last night a call from a third awards organization letting me know I’m a finalist again.) To all writers pondering publication, prepare yourselves for a journey of discovery, amazement, joy, and possibly some tears. And I’m SO grateful that She Writes Press said yes to my story (and to other writers’ equally moving books.) Without that “yes” – I certainly wouldn’t be living THIS new life. I don’t think Oprah could touch this!

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  • Lene Fogelberg Writing

    Thank you Rita for sharing your amazing story with She Writes! You were certainly one of the reasons I also chose to go with She Writes Press! Thanks for all your encouragement and support!!