• Anii Psy
  • The Age of Speed. Touch Typing resources for typing in the speed of light!
The Age of Speed. Touch Typing resources for typing in the speed of light!
Written by
Anii Psy
December 2014
Written by
Anii Psy
December 2014

In the age of techonologies, it’s all about the speed. Do we like it? Oh, I guess we don't! But we most probably have to try to adjust it if we are planning to fit the needs and the requirements of society.

One small part of being fast is very topical in our everyday life. So topical that it is what I’m doing right now -typing! When we look around in our workplaces, we most probably see people who are well prepared to work with computers, but there is a great amount of people who are not. Maybe it is our grandmother, who wants to be up-to-date, maybe it is a friend who has never had the necessity to work fast with a computer, maybe it is a kid who wants to learn to type correctly and efficiently.

Thanks to some enthusiasts, there are many great free resources, which can help people to improve their skills.

Personally my favourite tool is TypingStudy.com

  • http://www.TypingStudy.com is a simple, free web-based tool for learning to type.
  • It has a great daily demand from users all over the world; mostly library users and scholars.
  • Typing Study contains 15 well prepared and carefully designed lessons, a speed test and games from which one can learn to type step-by-step, monitor his or her own progress and have fun.
  • It is translated into 24 languages.
  • It supports QWERTY, QWERTZ, AZERTY and even DVORAK keyboard layouts.
  • It is developing each day and soon will be available in many more languages as well.


There are a lot more other free resources who offer similar service. However, simplicity and meanwhile great functionality wins over among all the resources. In the link below you can see a compilation and comparison of different free touch typing websites, which may be useful. http://www.typingstudy.com/list_of_free_touch_typing_software_and_...

Whichever one chooses is up to him or her. However, one thing is clear – being good at typing is not irrelevant. Some employers may even ask about the speed of typing in the interview, while many employees indicate the number of words per minute in their CV. Although it most probably won’t be a game changing skill, it is important enough to try to test yourself or develop current capabilities.


You may think – and this is it? I don’t think it’s important! Maybe the reasons below will convince you! Typing faster means you can:

1)    Socialize online – tests show that people, who type faster can communicate at least 2 times more effectively in chats and social media

2)    Saving time – depending on the specification of your job, type faster can save you 4-46 hours per month. Nowadays, as we know, time is money. Or you can just spend the saved time with your family eating icecream ;)

3)    Being up-to-date – When you type fast and can manage to work with the technologies in a persuasive manner, people will perceive you as a professional and efficient worker.

4)    Love your fingers – using the right techniques will eliminate chances of getting inflammation, Carpal Tunnel syndrome and other illnesses connected with non-ergonomic environment.


No matter what one’s reasons are, these free touch typing services can help many people – whether it is your friend, grandmother or a colleague. In conclusion let’s mention the words of Henry Ford:


“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” 

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