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  • Bear Grylls and the Annoying Facebook Girl Meme
Bear Grylls and the Annoying Facebook Girl Meme
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May 2014
Written by
May 2014

Memes have become a popular internet trend over the last 5 to 10 years. There are many variations of these memes that will come and go over time. There are constantly new means popping up everywhere. Some stick and some fade away. Two memes that have become fairly popular are the Bear Grylls meme and the Annoying Facebook Girl meme. We will talk about these memes in this article below.

Bear Grylls

The Bear Grylls meme came about alongside the debut of the hit show man versus wild. This show premiered in 2006 and featured a man named Bear Grylls, who showed the viewer’s how to survive and escape certain situations. The meme quickly spread as it seemed as though Bear Grylls drinks his urine a little too often. Many episodes feature Bear Grylls drinking his urine to stay hydrated.

They meme features a picture of Bear Grylls in the Arctic wearing camping gear. The first part of the mean will describe a situation or event that is occurring and the second part of the mean will always have the phrase “better drink my own piss”. The joke is to imply that drinking your own urine can get you out of any situation. Later on, other variations sprang up which included different urine related phrases. The one common theme is that they all reference urine in the second part of the meme.

Bear Grylls found out about the meme and took it light heartedly. He tweeted a picture of himself drinking tea and referencing the meme that is made after him. He also did and AMA on Reddit and talked about it.

Annoying Facebook Girl

The Annoying Facebook Girl name is a meme that many of us can relate to. It is used to poke fun at the typically annoying status updates by young girls that are posted to Facebook. Is a great way for people to make fun of their friends as well.

This mean began in 2010. The picture is of an 8th grade girl that is holding a milkshake making a weird face while she is posing for a picture. The meme has a blue and white background.

In 2011, a friend the girl that was pictured in the annoying Facebook girl meme was trying to tell her about it but she did not quite get it. It is unclear whether or not the girl in the Annoying Facebook Girl meme knows about the popularity of it.

A variation of this meme changed o describing the action and why the action has been done as opposed to the original intent of the meme. An example of this is posting a vague status so that people will ask about it and give the author attention. So this meme in the example will say “posts vague status”, followed by “for attention”.

There will always be new memes that are created and set the trends for the future. You can keep a lookout for information visit here.

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