Be a part of an IAI Short Story Compilation
Written by
Faydra Deon
June 2012
Written by
Faydra Deon
June 2012

Be a part of an Independent Author Index short story eBook compilation.

The eBook will sell for $2.99.

Any and all profits will be split evenly between me, as one of the authors and the compiler, and all those included in the compilation. No one gets more than anyone else, not even me.

It'll be great if we can make a lot of money, but my major focus is getting people published and using the compilations as "jumping-off" points for new authors to start building a following for their work. This is why I'm asking for stories in any and all genres.


Your story cannot have been published in electronic or printed format by any other publisher in any other publication; not even a periodical or digest.

The length of your short story must be more than 1,500 words but less than 3,000 words. I will be reading every story included in my compilations. Please do not just throw something together to be included in the compilation. Quality will get you into the compilation...period.

I reserve the right to exclude all stories that I find to be unethical, immoral, illegal or that is just plain nonsense and don't actually tell any kind of story. I have two other published authors on standby to give me their opinions on content I find questionable. If they BOTH overrule me, then your content will be included.

You must give your story a rating: G; PG; PG-13; R; NC-17; XXX. A rating of NC-17 or XXX will not get you excluded from the compilation. The ratings are just to help readers decide what they want to read.

Do NOT type your title and name is ALL CAPS. Please use sentence case only.

Submit your story as a .DOC file. If you are using Word 2007 or 2010, please change the Save As type to Word 97-2003 Document (*.doc).


Your story will be published by SolaPress:, but YOU retain the copyright to the story, and you will be listed as the copyright holder on the copyright page. I did this with my previous compilation. With Amazon's "Look Inside" feature, you can see an example free: MyQOTD Short Story Kindle Competition Compilation:

Your story will be included in the compilation AS-IS. This means that YOU must edit your content or employ someone else to edit your content.

If you choose not to edit your content, that's fine. Your writing will be a reflection of you, and I will make it clear, like I've done on previous compilations, that SolaPress published your story AS-IS.

I am more than capable of editing your content for correct sentence structure, spelling, grammar and punctuation, but there will be a charge. You do not have to employ me as your editor. This is just an option that's available to you. If you decide to pay for editing, your story will reflect that it was edited by SolaPress.

Each eBook compilation will include 30 stories. You may submit multiple stories, but only one of your stories will appear per compilation. You will earn commissions from each compilation in which you appear.

Once the compilation is live, I’ll send you the link, so you can also promote the compilation. The more people who invest in the eBook, the more exposure we'll all receive.

There is no deadline for sending your story. As I get submissions, I'll fill up compilations. Submit anytime you like and as often as you like.

Go to the following link to submit your story:

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  • Hello, Faydra.  Thank you for reaching out. 

  • Faydra Deon

    Hi, Cindy. Hm. Blog posts on Blogger. If you don't mind revising the post once the eBook comes out, that shouldn't be a problem. If you'd cut the post in half and then link to the eBook, that would work.

  • Cindy Brown

    Can blog posts published on Blogger be submitted?