Questioning the Efficient
I love to work, but please don't rush me or hurry me along. My work remains without a timeline. I deal with possibilities not the impossible here. And I know people who have money and those that do not, still dont like to be hustled for their very last cent. When people have money, they feel hesitant yet still conservative. The same could be said of peoples time. When people have time they freely give of themselves in order to make a new friend. That is why I volunteer. I constantly look for ways I can give of myself. Now, Im no superwoman. But I like to be called an endearing achieve. This makes me happy. I have little to do all day besides plot my own demise, so I am constantly trying to think of ways to better the world and for those in it. Today, I applied for 5 jobs, via the internet and believe me there are jobs out there. I did a search in county jobs and banking jobs, both if I am qualified to do. I also signed up to volunteer at the holucost museum here in Dallas Tx where I live. Apparently, there are survivors in the area and an area that wad suppressed by Nazi actions here locally. I don't like sitting on my little turf, and doing nothing. So, I also called about 6 banks about investor relations information. Why? Because they are insured with the FDIC and can be liquidated at any time pending the securities and exchange markets. The whole basis for FDIC insurance is that simply put, either one wrong move a banking institution could go under as in lucrative times they thrive, but in today suppressed economy, one never knows. So, maybe they send me a review of their candidates? Maybe they send me a portfolio of their assets and liabilities? Perhaps, I see a flaw in their accounting measures. It has happened before. Or, say I just promote the bank further to a more interesting investor who happens to like what i see in the banks analysis. I do talk to a lot of conglomerates occasionally. People do like to listen to a good egg either golden ideas occasionally. Sometimes, I have them. Other times, well, I know I don't really need to say a thing. Word of mouth. It's still the most proven means of advertisement. Please feel free to confer with my website further. Http:// Thank you. Betsy, (Elizabeth III)

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