An affair with Mr. Procrastinator
Written by
Nai\'lah Carter
January 2012
Written by
Nai\'lah Carter
January 2012

Hey everyone:

I recently posted this but there was some controversy as to the provocative deliverance. Some didn’t understand that it was a metaphor so to avoid any confusion; I tweaked it. Let me know what you guys think.



An affair…with Mr. Procrastinator.

A friend of mine shared something personal that I thought you all could relate to. She only admitted to me and have been keeping it constrained for so long she blurted out, “I’m having an affair! An ongoing one with this…I don’t know how to describe him.”

She bursts into tears as she finally heard the words out loud. Finally coming to grips with reality I guess. 

She continued, “I know it’s wrong but I find myself being intrigued. He entices me with the idea that I work better under pressure. Instead of sticking to my schedule, I put things off to sneak of with him…Mr. Procrastinator.

I met his brother, Mr. Intolerable which is only a euphemism for impatience. When I’m around them, I can’t get my act together. I become irritable and ungrateful. I see things through blurred lenses instead of lucid ones.

He’s been in my life for as long as I can remember—high school, all of college and now as an adult. I’ve been trying to break free from his grips. Every time I feel like I’ve gotten over that phase…over him; he shows me that I haven’t. Then sometimes I think I’m in denial. Are the days that I don’t write, really days that I’m exhausted or are they days that I’m being lazy? Or are they days that I’m simply not motivated enough? Juggling all that I juggle, sometimes it’s hard to decipher. Whatever it is…I’m tired of not meeting the deadlines I’ve set for myself. He eases this stress by taking me away from my work. He takes me away and days later, I’m cognizant of my own absence...

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