Guess What Stephen Covey Suggests?
Written by
Hope A. Perlman
December 2011
Written by
Hope A. Perlman
December 2011
Okay, I hate to beat a point home, but I've gotta take this one on. Last week, I wrote about visualizing your funeral, one of the first excercises to developStephen Covey's Habit #2 of Highly Effective People. 

After you do that, he's got another "little" exercise for us--writing a mission statement for your life. For your life, people. Or for your corporation, if you're a honcho. Or for your family. A mission statement is something like a personal constitution, laying out your ground rule for a PC life. (remember, that's principle-centered, not politically correct.) It's a bit challenge, to say the least, which is why I'm on page 144 of the book, and I've only gotten through two habits.
to read the rest, please continue to my blog:

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