I will write....even if it kills me. It just might.
Written by
Frankie Frasure
December 2011
Written by
Frankie Frasure
December 2011

A quintessential procrastinator...my mind is dank, dark tomb of lost memories, ideas, and dreams.  I occasionally have a spark of enthusiasm- a burst of energy I suppose only to become muddled in my surroundings and quickly stored in the basement with all the other creative brain cells.  I can write on a deadline.  I proved that with many years of college work which has given me nothing in return.  It's my own fault really...I make excuses.  I reign supreme in this area.  A detriment to my children as far as leading by example I suppose. 

So here I am recalling the verse (though don't ask me where in the bible) that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  hmmm..if this is true then my road to hell is well paved...solid gold perhaps.  I have many good intentions which never seem to bear fruit.  If I had a nickel for every time I found a reason I couldn't get any writing done I could afford to actually pave a road with gold. 

And by the way, this is my attempt at doing something.  Getting started.  A writer must write to be a writer.  If all they do is read, research, and outline...then they are readers, researchers and outliners...not writers. 

Although I shouldn't be quite so critical of myself as both my children are pretty good writers.  I am trying to encourage my darling daughter to dig deep on her creativity and write regulary.  She's quite good for her age (14) and has tremendous potential.   She likes to write horror /love stories and my son is more on the fantasy/sci-fi bridge. 

Me?  I suppose much of my writing contains a great deal of truth about my life or someone I know (usually a relative as they are the most interesting and entertaining people I know -not necessarily good at all times). 

I also tend to write down my dreams but the best ones are usually induced during times of sickness and a dose of NyQuil.  I have, unfortunately, been well lately and have no need of the psychotic- nightmare- inducing medication.  Perhaps I'll find another way to delve into those precious stages and will remember to keep my writing journal (and pen, I always forget one or the other) by the bedside. 

I think I will take the advice of a fellow she-writer and proof read the NYTimes page to get my brain firing.  Be well friends. 

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