Nurturing stillness
Written by
November 2011
Written by
November 2011

“Sadhana is a Sanskrit word whose root, sadh, means to reclaim that which is divine in us, our power to heal, serve, rejoice, and uplift the spirit… The goal of sadhana is to enable you to recover your natural rhythms and realign your inner life and daily habits with the cycles of the universe.” – Maya Tiwari


Curled up on the couch Wednesday afternoon, I sat reading The Path of Practice, by Maya Tiwari, while nursing the cold that crept into my body over the previous weekend. Home sick from work, I was temporarily released from my usual weekday duties, focusing my attention instead on taking care of my health. With a hot mug of lemon ginger tea beside me, I allowed myself to sink deeper and deeper into the book, which offers practices for tapping into our innate, primordial feminine healing power. 

From the moment I first opened that book, a stillness came over me – urging me to set aside whatever else I thought I should be doing in order to harvest the wisdom offered within its pages. While the book sat propped open on my lap, the demands that usually occupy my mind seemed to fall away, unlocking a quiet space inside me. ...Continue

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