A Thanksgiving Wish

I awoke this morning in Bamako, Mali -- a country with a rich culture and a long and proud history. It is also one of the poorest countries in the world. There are so many paradoxes in life. If I've learned anything thus far it is that things are not as neat and straightforward as I would like, as we would like. I live in the U.S. -- the richest country in the world. Yet 30 Million of our citizens experience hunger on a daily basis or are at risk of going hungry.

Undoubtedly most of us give thanks every day; we don't wait until the last Thursday in November to do so. But Thanksgiving is traditionally a time to gather with family and friends in the ceremonial practice of giving thanks. We do so with food galore, surrounded by loved ones -- or at least those we like.

On this day in a country that doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving in the way that we know it, but whose citizens give thanks for all that they have, regardless of how little, I wish that:

  • people don't have to decide between whether to put food on the table or buy needed medicines or other basic necessities -- whether here in Mali or at home in the U.S.
  • the citizen revolt that has made its way throughout the world continues to gain momentum
  • the 99% take the example from history of those whose shoulders we stand on and reclaim what is due "we the people"
  • we can move past the current political system that paralyzes us at every turn from doing what is in our best interest, even from agreeing on a budget
  • we would put people first and profits after, way after

Most of all, I wish us peace -- internally and among ourselves.

Happy Thanksgiving and Peace to all.

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