Day two in the NaNoWriMo Camp!
Written by
Nekesa Sepiwe
November 2011
Written by
Nekesa Sepiwe
November 2011

Day two in the NaNoWriMo camp! It's intense yall; I said no matter what, I was going to complete my goal for this month.  From the time I woke up this morning, all I could hear was my granddaughter's voice in my head saying, "You know, Mame`, I'm magical, and I can make anything happen that I want."  This fact, she firmly believes and it appears that its true too, for her faith gets her just about anything she want or need.  Even strangers on the street participate in this magical dance with her, but that's a story for another time.  Thankfully, she's not a selfish or a needy child.  Shishin prays, meditates and does yoga and she's only five years old.  She takes only what she needs or wants at the time, nothing more and nothing less.  This, I remembered after I reached my set goal far earlier in the day.  I was tempted to go further, to push past my goal, to up the ante, to give myself a huge ego boost.  Then, I remembered the many times that I abandoned my goals.  In those times I took more than my share; I applied unnessary stress; I didn't take the time to appreciate the magic.  Today, I enjoyed the magic.

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