Taking Notes
Written by
Bridget Straub
August 2011
Written by
Bridget Straub
August 2011

I posted the below on another site a day and a half ago and am curious to see if the response is the same here.


    As I have begun working my way through this maze that is the blogging world, I have discovered an amazing array of writers, many of whom I now follow. I enjoy their wit, courage and ingenuity. I am also in awe of their numbers. Many of them (but not all) get anywhere from twenty to a hundred or more comments on their posts, and they have a staggering amount of followers. It’s made me wonder, how long did it take to attract so many devoted fans?

I began blogging earlier this year, at first only to get attention for the four books I had written last year. (What can I say? It was a very productive year. I also wrote a musical with a friend.) Over these past few months I have come to enjoy blogging just for the sake of blogging. I think I have a lot to offer, be it my experiences as the mother of three kids that I chose to have on my own long before it was fashionable to do so, or something as simple as my “Happiness Tuesdays” posts. Unfortunately, my numbers are not yet in the category of those I admire.

I have joined Blogher,  Shewrites and Blogfrog, and have written several guest posts over at Sanemoms.com. I have made all of my facebook friends aware of each new post, and I have received some very positive feedback. I have not, however, gained more than a handful of subscribers. It leaves me wondering if my numbers are laughable or if it takes everyone a while to gather the masses. What do you suppose is the average length of time it takes a blog to get off and running? I know a lot of my favorites have been blogging for years. Am I falling behind or am I right on target? Will I get a single comment to this post or will it go unnoticed?

If you are one of those bloggers with great numbers, or even if you aren’t, let me know what your experience has been. Have you stumbled upon the secret to a big following? Did one thing propel you into the stratosphere, or was it a combination of things. Has it been a long, slow road or have you hit the jackpot early? You’ll not only be helping me out, but anyone else who is new here.

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  • Bridget Straub

    Ahh, but when you have something of value to share as I honestly believe I do, it seems only right to want to reach as many people as possible. This isn't fueled by ego, but instead by a desire to entertain, enlighten and hopfully lighten the lives of others.