Holding Cross
Written by
Margaret Duarte
June 2011
Written by
Margaret Duarte
June 2011
by Swiv
Last Friday, I attended a memorial service for my friend's mother, Eileen.

While sharing Eileen's life story, the minister held up a Holding Cross and said that it had given Eileen comfort during her final hours. 

The Holding Cross, he explained, was specially created to give patients something meaningful to hold on to in time of need. 

It's not a traditionally shaped cross, but smooth and with rounded edges to make it feel good in the palm of the hand.

I instantly feel in love with this sacred symbol and the idea behind it, and I wanted one for myself (though I'm hardly sick or infirm).  It would be a comfort, I reasoned, to hold the cross any time I was in need of divine inspiration.

Every day is full of new discoveries, and since I believe in the value of spiritual tools, no matter what their religious origin, I considered this a great find.  I pictured having one at my bedside or in my purse, and I thought it would make a wonderful gift.

On the Holding Cross website, I found The Holding Cross Story and discovered that the cross is used in 18 denominations and 21 countries to bring comfort in myriad ways.

It's such an uplifting story during a time of endless bad news that I wanted to share.

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