His Own

He from the land

of the great forest,

Where wild is norm,

Though tame,


and true.

Yet like a wild fire he looks at her.

When he smiles,his eyes crankle

with a wildness that  only

a child from the great forest holds.


She from the land of the great lakes,

Is bright as the sun

When she smiles

her teeth sparkle.

Her eyes though small,

twinkle with a childlike Innocence.

She is graceful,

Gentle yet


She is a world of contrasts

and this he sees.


He is a son of the wild forest

And her wildness is what grasps him.

He does not wonder

That gentle and wild go together


He knows more than that ,

He knows that the wild heart

is always gentle and tender.

For to be wild is to have a heart,

and in her, he finds his own.

Let's be friends

The Women Behind She Writes

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