• elizabeth
  • Will and Kate: Are you giving us the Royal Rush?
Will and Kate: Are you giving us the Royal Rush?
Written by
April 2011
Written by
April 2011

As a young girl, the world of royalty fascinated me. So much so, that I actually told people that I had been kidnapped and was actually a member of Britain’s royal family. Hard to believe, but no one bought into that idea. So I continued to live with this very proper American family. In my heart, I thought it would just a matter of time before the truth came out - that I don’t dabble in reality all that much.

I, for one, love all the pomp and circumstance when it comes to the upcoming nuptial between Will and Kate. You know, that couple from two good gene pools (if you don’t include Charles’ side) who reside across the pond are getting married on Friday, April 29th. That’s right. 4 AM EST. I’ll be up. If I got up for Diana and Charles, I can get up for Will and Kate.  I am looking forward to it because my invite is still lost in the mail.

This young couple, who met at university, dated and sampled life on their own finally realized that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. And then the Queen informed them that they would have to do it front of millions of people who are sitting in front of their TVs attired only in their underwear.  How cheeky is that?

You know how you can look at a couple and proclaim that, “they will be suing each other for divorce in six months?” I am rooting for them to make it to their golden anniversary. And then they can date other people. I’ll be dead. I won’t care.

 Quite the love story for our time. No drug arrests, no hookers, no “winning,” and no tweets from either of them.

 It’s not to say that being royal (or becoming one) does not come with it’s share of embarrassments - there’s a queen who doesn’t realize that clothes from the 1940s belong in a museum and not in her closet and then there are those wonderful, wacky and witless group of royal ancestors who should get their own show on Bravo: “Real Housewives of New Jersey Lose their Heads over Henry the Eighth.” Please God, I won’t ask for anything ever again.

 But Kate and Will have risen above it all and are going to get married. In front of their family and friends and about a billion people. If a billion people are watching the nuptials, then one billion people are not fighting, killing or blowing up anything. How bloody good is that?

So if you don’t like all the coverage – rent a heart.  You can return it on the 30th and the world can go back to being a slightly horrible place again. Bah! Humbug!


But for one day, I’d like to believe that love can push hate into the background. Where is belongs.

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  • elizabeth

    Thanks Elizabeth.  Nice name. :-) I will be up and siting in the dark and cheering them on. Have a great time! elizabeth

  • Elizabeth Young

    A couple of friends and I will be over at Gilda's club at 5.00 a.m. in the morning to celebrate, in our best P.J.'s and Royal head 'fascinator's' ala. Kate Middleton. We are pumped!!