• Michelle T.
  • A Dating Game - NO SEX - (We'll at least for a little while.)
A Dating Game - NO SEX - (We'll at least for a little while.)
Written by
Michelle T.
March 2011
Written by
Michelle T.
March 2011

Unfortunately it is a game at some point considering the element of dating more than one person at a time. The best chemist wins (so to speak) in chemistry of the emotions anyway. Going in and out of mini-relationships can weigh the soul down and become discouraging or possibly create a side effect such as insecurity.


Time alone is important. Hence, vast amount of time of not dating leads to less partners. Most people you speak to will admire you for it. As some tend to let loneliness get the best of them. Time alone will encourage you to be the best you can be and others will notice and be attracted to you in many ways. Love will happen on its own, no need to force it. Being someone's friend instead of their lover is best. Best things come to those who a while when it comes to sex. Even if it isn't the best outcome of ending up as a couple, at least they gained respect for you in the process.


"Be good to your soul singles!"


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