An Eternal Moment

Everything stopped the wind the birds even the grandfather clock in vain was to spin the platter it couldn't be changed it couldn't be buried it is Life and it will never die Nothing else mattered only the moment the endless feeling the white emotions of doves one eternal moment when eyes met eyes and heart touched heart while flowing was the Light from the very new soul to the other one in love ~Piccola

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  • Piccola Durand Dowling

    Maureen, thank you! When I wrote 'white emotions of love' I thought of peaceful feeling of love.

  • Maureen E. Doallas

    Piccola, as always, your artwork is stunning. And your words carry that deep, deep emotion. You create a sensation of everything coming to a stop and stilling in the moment.

    I think this could be even stronger with imagery of how the wind and birds and clock stopped, to bring us right to the moment. I'd like to know a bit more about what are "the white emotions of doves".