Larry Flynt: Equal Rights for Women!
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September 2010
Written by
September 2010
Hustler publisher Larry Flynt says women like Gloria Steinem are the reason the Equal Rights Amendment didn't pass. "A country that discriminates against half its population cannot be held up as a great democracy," Flynt writes on Huffington Post. He also rants about the status of women and how Steinnem tanked the ERA, "Saying things like "A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle" and "A liberated woman is one who has sex before marriage and a job after," not to mention "make him sleep on the wet spot," didn't go over well with women in the Midwest who considered themselves feminists but still wanted to be mothers," writes Flynt. Ok. So Larry Flynt, whose magazine demoralizes and objectifies women as sexual objects for a man to use, now wants equal rights for women. I'm assuming that means he's paying his female staffers just as much as his male staffers. And he doesn't consider the exploitation of women (as his magazine does) as part of the problem with the unequal status of women in this country. What's worse, he justifies his argument by spewing a sexist rant online and blaming Steinem for being too liberal and wanting too much when all women really need is a little freedom and a family. And their husbands need his magazine in the bathroom and alone time to focus. Really Larry? Follow

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