"I'm Really a Man" she said

Stepping into the cool night air during a lazy summer evening should not be so confusing. My family and I often go out on the patio to take in the sweetly scented breeze during this season. We enjoy watching the little black and white kittens bounce around the lawn as they discover the boundaries of their newly formed pouncing instinct. The tiny fur balls bounce and roll on the lawn, pawing at each other and bouncing all over. Now when I say bouncing, you perhaps need to picture Tigger from Whinnie the Pooh. These kittens look as if they are on springed boots for the height they get bouncing from a complete stand still. Normally this activity provides lots of laughs and passes the time better than television or cleaning to be sure. On this evening however, I got a bit of a shock. As I went to retrieve my little entertainment filled fur balls from their room just adjacent to the back patio, I heard a female voice shouting. “I have something to tell you!” The voice came from the direction of our neighbor’s yard. I know it was wrong, but the voice was so loud and insistent, I abandoned my quest and listened up. It sounded as if the woman was standing just on the other side of the fence only three feet away from me. I’ll admit, I dislike the nosiness of neighbors as much as anyone and I felt like a heal as I stood their with bated breathe waiting for the announcement that was not intended for my ears. “I’m really a man” She said. I stood silent for a moment. The neighbor’s house was silent too. No one spoke for at least thirty seconds. Then, a sudden screeching of tires caught my attention. Screeching of tires? We both have dirt driveways. The instant realization that I had been eavesdropping on a television program filled my brain. I remembered suddenly that my neighbor is nearly deaf and often reads lips.

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