On the Nightstand
Written by
Lois Houston
July 2010
Written by
Lois Houston
July 2010
I’ve been doing a lot of reading this summer. I made a conscious decision at the beginning of summer that I was going to watch less TV and do more reading. I’ve got a ton of shows on TiVo and, surprisingly, I don’t even care if I don’t catch up on them. BUT, I am really enjoying reading again. I have been devouring books like they were bon bons and spending lots of time curled up on the sofa with a glass of iced grape kool-aide and my faithful kitty cat, Scooby Doo. (aka Gabriella Pussycat… the nickname is a story for another day) My new Nook (named Beatrice Nook by Big Girl) has been a constant companion, too. I have been really enjoying it and the fact that just about ANY book is accessible to me anywhere (even 38,000 feet in the air as I flew to/from San Francisco a few weeks ago). I have also been enjoying being exposed to new writers (that I probably would never have considered) as I have been taking advantage of the Free Friday eBooks on Barnes & Noble’s website. Why not try a book if it’s free? Nothing to lose, right? Read more

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