Portrait of a Ninja
Recently I discovered that I am a Daughter of Persephone, as Demetra George defines such children in her excellent book, Mysteries of the Dark Moon. Personally, I was marked by Persephone at the age where I was moving from a girl to a Maiden. I experienced the nastiness of "sexual harassment" before it was called such, and my worldview of innocence was shattered. Thus changed, I crawled into my headspace, away from the world and from my body. I took refuge in my storytelling, the fantasy worlds that I created for myself. In this place between worlds, I found myself in a quixotic realm...where I was adopted by the Fox Maidens. They are trickster sprites of a sort, Oriental shapeshifters who can appear now as a fox, now as a young woman. They shift their shapes so they can slip in and out of the games of love that people play so well. From my new sisters, I learned how to hide - and hide in plain sight. I learned the arts of stealth and subtlety. I learned how to observe my surroundings closely, and note differences from the norm, be they subtle or spectacular. I learned how to listen deeply to another's story, and hear what might not be said. I learned to ascertain the flavor of a conversation before contributing to it - and to contribute only what was needed. I became very attentive to details, sharpening those Virgo skills gifted to me by the moon. Since emerging from this limbo, I have learned Witchcraft - another way to flit unseen through the world. I'm known to call myself a Ninja Witch these days, Stealth Spellcasting as my specialty. ;-) My original Craft-Name was ShadowDancer...dancing not just with those inner forces that were manipulating me, but also because I knew myself to be dancing at the edge of society, of awareness, at that time. In dancing with my Shadows, I returned to Persephone's side - not knowing at the time who She really was for me. I have walked the path through the Underworld with Her, several times over, most recently this past Winter (09-10) When I emerged anew at the Equinox, it was as if I was waking up for the very first time. Now, with Beltaine just around the corner, I feel ready to shift even more fully into my Bright Authenticity, and leave the company of the Fox Maidens. Now I loosen the ties of my mask and slide it off my face. Now I gather my feet underneath me to emerge from my hiding place. Doubtless I will startle someone who didn't realize I was there! As I do, though, I stop a moment to consider my gifts... Shall I throw them away just because I'm changing my shape yet again? Or shall I hold onto them and let them become a part of my new form? I breathe deeply into my belly...

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