Sacred Garden for Conjuration
Written by
Stephanie Bird
March 2010
Written by
Stephanie Bird
March 2010
I love gardening, but tending plants is an opportunity for growing more than fruits, vegetables, flowers, and trees in a mundane way. In gardening each year, I learn a little more about my "self" and the environment, community, state, region, ancestors, and deities that surround me. I call these activities two things: sacred gardening and conjuration. Together they help me build a sacred garden for conjuration, an activity I would like to share with you. I am a sacred gardener. Through this activity I have gained pleasure, sensual delight, and metaphysical insights. I've even witnessed a miracle or two. My sacred garden draws energy from the sun and water but also, just as important, from daily spiritual practice--prayer, meditation, yoga, rituals, and ceremonies. Conjuring Spaces A conjurer's space is somewhat different from a sacred grove. It is typically a space open to oracular animal and prophetic insects, and spiritual objects such as wind chimes, bells, coins, bottles, sea glass, charged rocks, and statuary, along with symbolic flowers and trees designed to invoke energy and presence of specific types. This desirable energy includes ancestors, nature spirits, and deity, as well as varied orders of beings, such as angels. By conjuring energy in a garden space, knowing the language of flowers, trees, and certain deities and elementals, a magickal garden is easily within your reach. Seeds, bulbs, and eggs are prevalent objects and are harbingers of spring. These symbols help us understand this as the time of great potential. It is time for tilling soil, revealing hidden secrets, dusting off memories and organizing our lives. We try to meet the promise of spring while listening to the almost imperceptible messages of the earth.

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