Writing makes my day
Written by
Pam McGaffin
March 2017
Written by
Pam McGaffin
March 2017

Eureka! I've just had an epiphany that's so ridiculously obvious it's a wonder it took me this long to confirm it: I'm MUCH happier with myself when I'm writing. Duh. The words don't have to flow or even be "good." In fact, writing and editing for me is often as frustrating as trying to open an easy-open food product without a pair of scissors. But if I buckle down and do it. If I can just get a few hundred words out of my head or an editing problem unlocked, I can carry on my day with a clear conscience. Another discovery: It's better for me to write in the morning before stuff starts piling up to distract me. I know. I know. This isn't earth-shaking. But I just had to share in case there are others out there who thought they hated to write. Maybe what you really hate is NOT writing.

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