10 Tips to Live a More Relaxed and Peaceful Life

An astonishing proportion of one in five of the patients lined up in the consulting rooms of doctors are not ill at all in the old-fashioned sense of the word. According to the Stay Healthy Blog, there is nothing wrong with their organs. What is wrong with them is the newfound sickness of tension, stress or neurosis brought on by the pace of modern living.

It's much the same in most of the so-called "civilized" countries around the world. Millions of people daily are besieging doctors, undergoing treatment, swallowing drugs in an often futile attempt to cure conditions brought on by the type of life they lead - a life they obstinately refuse to change.

Stop reading this article for a moment and take a look at yourself. Do you feel fidgety and on edge, tense and keyed-up? Are your hands clenched, or your teeth?

Look in a mirror to see if your brow is furrowed. If so, then you are suffering from tensed living.

It is an illness for which doctors don't have a real cure, though they may alleviate its effects. Yet you can very easily cure yourself by developing habits and cultivating attitudes which will lead to a more relaxed lifestyle.


Doing things in a rush - whether it is a businessman fulfilling a contract or a housewife hurrying to catch a bus - is a major cause of tension. Tension stems not so much from the physical act of rushing as from the worry that we will be late, a sense of apprehension.


A very successful man once said: "I never stand if I can sit and I never sit if I can lie." Sit down for a few minutes, better still, lie down - several times each day. Close your eyes and relax the face muscles by simulating a slight smile. Let your whole body go limp. A few minutes like this and you'll be surprised at how much fresh you begin to feel.


Do the same thing in bed at night. Let your body go limp. Run a mental checklist over yourself - toes ankles, back, hands, neck, forehead - to make sure you are totally relaxed.


Men more than women perhaps are in danger of becoming workaholics. But women can become almost equally obsessed with their homes and their children. It is essential for both to cultivate some hobby or break from working routine. A holiday, at least once a year, is essential. Not only is the holiday itself beneficial, but the pleasure of anticipation helps to divert the mind from the demands of the present.


Many people create a state of tension because they are dissatisfied with themselves. They see themselves as failures in their jobs perhaps or as partners or parents. To overcome this, you must build up your self-esteem. Do this by making a written list of your achievements. Then in future, whenever you feel a failure, take out your list and study it for a few moments.


This is often to be disappointed. Be content with a measure of achievement. Also don't expect your friends to be perfect. You don't have to excel at everything you undertake. You don't have to win every game you play.


To have an ambition is a good thing. But keep it within reasonable bounds.


Don't insist on winning every argument. Concede others are sometimes in the right. Give in generously: it will make you a lot more popular with people.


By all means struggle hard for success. But if your mirror tells you that you are not a Scarlett Johansson, accept it like a mature adult.


Be grateful for what you have and what you are. It is almost as impossible to be grateful and remain tense as to smile and stay sad. Remember that love, affection and friendship are more important than possessions.


Cultivate the ability to enjoy the small things of life: leisurely walks, friendly conversation, children's games. Give yourself time to really hear what people say instead of merely listening to them. Not only will you enjoy life all the more, but you will relax all the more and stay healthy.

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