Why Your One-Size-Fits-All Resume Isn't Getting You Noticed

When applying for a job vacancy, a resume should reflect the needs and wants of the position you are applying for. A one-size-fits-all resume is a general resume and can sometimes be vague. If you are doing your job hunt with such kind of resume, you are wasting your time and energy. It’s recommended that you don’t send a general resume in a specific job listing since employers are looking for someone who can take a specific role. For example, if you are applying for the position of a cashier, your resume should not include all the work experience as a marketer. It is better to ask the resume writing services for help.

In most cases the positions you are applying for differ in terms of skills, experience and duties hence, the resume should reflect what the employer is looking for.

Let’s look at reasons why your one-size-fits-all resume isn't getting you noticed:

It does not get the attention of the employer.

When managers note the one-size-fits-all resumes from dozens of other resumes, they place them aside and are not considered again. In fact, employers don’t like going through resume piles, so the moment they spot such kind of resume, they will not even go through it.

The resume gives the employer an impression of `any job will do’.

Employers will not consider resumes that don’t tailor to specific needs. From the employer point of view, if you send a resume that is not specific to the job available you are ready to take any job available in the company. One the other hand, no employer would like a resume which is the same as the one sent to another company. Since every job listing requires a candidate with specific skills and experience, you should take time to customize your resume and narrow down to that specific position. In addition, you should take your time to dig up details on major projects and challenges you've tackled. Once you are able to include your areas of success in your resume, you will definitely land for a job interview.

Image courtesy of https://dobremylo.com.ua

How job seekers should customize their one-size-fits-all resume:

Tailor the resume to a specific job description.

First, you should include some soft skills which narrow to your actual accomplishments. Most of the times, job seekers only include communication and leadership skills. Job seekers should focus on at least 3 to 5 skills in their resume. This enables the job seeker to show the employer his or her ability to succeed in that specific role if they are hired. One should replace the common skills to the relevant one that pertain to the specific job.

For example if you are applying for the position of an accountant, your soft skills should include:

· Proficiency in using accounting software like Quick Books.

· Cloud computing skills

· Competent in ERP programs

· Proficient in accounting information systems and Microsoft excel, Ms PowerPoint etc

Use professional formatting techniques.

Use nicely designed headers in the education, experience and profile section. However, the format should match the standard of the industry. One can also use visuals that will grab the reader’s attention. Further, one should use a font that is easy to read.

What to include in the reference section of the resume:

The references you list should align with the job type you are applying for. For example if you are applying for a HR position, you should include at least one of your former supervisor as a referee who can attest to your skills. Job seekers need to be careful with this section. Most companies will always do a callback to confirm that you actually worked with your referee. Contacts like physical address, telephone number and email should be included for easy contact.

It’s time to customize your resume. Follow the above tips and stop looking for a magical solution why your one-size-fits-all resume isn't getting you noticed.

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