Meet Brit Jones
Written by
Irene Roth
December 2016
Written by
Irene Roth
December 2016

1. Tell us a few things about yourself.


I’ve lived in Boulder, Colorado since 2004.  I feel very fortunate to live in a place that has a high concentration of innovative thinkers.  I’m the father of a 12 year old boy and have been privileged to receive the love and support of and wonderful family.  My mother and father, as well as my two sisters and their husbands have been invaluable in their support of this book.


2. What’s your favorite book?


I’ve tended to gravitate towards books that teach me something about how to be better in life.  I rarely read to escape, but rather to learn.  If I were to choose an author and book I truly enjoyed, it would be “A Bridge Across Forever” by Richard Bach.


3.  Who is your favorite author?


  My favorite author is Richard Bach.


 4.  What inspired you to want to write your book?


It was never my intention to stay in the restaurant business as long as I have.  But once life started happening and bills were piling up, it was a challenge to find other employment where I could make comparable money without taking several steps backward. 


As I gathered more experience, it became glaringly obvious that the training programs most restaurants provide for servers don’t cover the important components of excellent service.  Due to the transient nature of servers, coming and going, I could see that restaurant owners would be reluctant to provide thorough training for servers. 


At the end of the day, waiting tables isn’t rocket science, but, with a few key guiding principles and suggestions on technique, service quality could certainly stand to improve.  So I wrote this book for those servers who would like to discover their best selves in this line of work, as well as to provide a tool for restaurant owners and managers to elevate service quality without much investment of time and money.


5. Why do you like writing about your topic?


Simply because I have paid attention to what it takes to become better and I discovered how to articulate it.  I know the topic through and through.


6.  Tell us about your current writing projects.


Upon the completion of A Waiter’s Companion, I realized I have more to share on the subject.  For now, I plan to market the current book, but I envision a complement to it down the road.


7. See above.


8. What can readers expect to get from this book?


 It’s my hope that readers will discover the information to be helpful in providing structure to the learning experience and, ultimately, elevate the quality of service in restaurants across this country and around the world.   Too often, a dining experience is diminished because servers have not been given the necessary training to do their job to the best of their abilities. 


9.  Any tips for aspiring writers?


Yes.  We all have a book inside of us.  When you discover yours, don’t let the opinions of others who can’t see your vision, discourage you from moving forward with it.  There will always be those who will, either intentionally or unintentionally, discourage you.  Push past that and bring it out of your head and into the world.


10.Any last words?


If you find something to be valuable, chances are, others will too.





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