Day 2: A. Law Shettleworth
Written by
Irene Roth
October 2016
Written by
Irene Roth
October 2016

Please describe Your Writing Life to the reader as a way to inspire others to read your book.


The beginning sentence is always the hardest, and it overwhelming to gather my thoughts together.  Who am I writing to?  What am I going to write?  Self-doubt gets in the way and procrastination comes second, and I found especially after I became a mother is very challenging to find the time to sit down and write.  On a light note, writing is addictive.  Once I put all self-doubt aside and my pen start flowing on a piece of paper, and the final piece of a thousand words just took my breath away.  Wow, I wrote a story, and it felt great.


I personally don’t write every day, but when ideas strikes I write it down.  I always have a small note pad in my purse, and I take creative orders.  I take out my pen and write down what comes to mind, it’s either something I see, hear or a pop of an idea.  I love writing it down on a napkin, I love how the ink smears over and every cursive word bleeds into each other creates art.  I draw triangles, squares or clouds to enhance my ideas, when it is fun to look at it keeps my writing flowing.


I love penmanship, I love to write on a piece of paper.  I am a very tangible person, so when I get into a writer’s block I just pick a word and write it down.  I like to write on all sort of textures, and use different color pens encourage my writing.  One word becomes a sentence, a sentence becomes a paragraph.


Yes, guilty as charged. I used a piece of recycle paper, and 2 squares of napkin filled with numbers, clouds, quotation marks and blue ink.  To me it’s perfect and I like it that way ha ha.

It is GREAT getting to know you more!  I wish you every success in the future!

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