Writing Is A Lot Like Architecture
Written by
Manav Pietro
October 2016
Written by
Manav Pietro
October 2016

Building And Writing Innovations

People don't build like the ancient Greeks anymore except in homage; and even then, what results is only the appearance of what was. No ancient pillars made of stone and naught else hold up tons of infrastructure today.

Today, you'll have metal molded with an aesthetic outer covering that conveys the same look, but doesn't require the necessary old world sacrifices to create. Where before, a quarry was required, now virtually anything can be ordered online to your specs and produced in a factory.

In the same way, writing has changed. Certainly, modernity has lost the craftsmanship which came in manual typesetting; but many more pages can also be printed much more quickly today. Additionally, writing methodologies have transitioned as readership needs have developed.

The Advantage of Modern Trends

If you wanted to build a barn or a shed in ancient days, you might have had to chop down some trees and fashion the wood accordingly. The process could have taken weeks, there would have been a number of slight work-related injuries, and in the end you would have acquired a drafty building not suited to stand the test of time.

Today, people widely use modern building innovations which don't take nearly so much time, don't cost nearly so much opportunity or effort, and have a more continuous yield. One example of such an innovation comes in the form of prefab metal buildings. These versatile constructions can be ordered to specification, and even expanded as the need arises. According to American Steel Span, “The Do-It-Yourself building process means that you are in control of when and how quick your building goes up.”

An analog that can be found in the writing world would be Search Engine Optimization. SEO for short, this is a means by which given content is optimized using the latest statistics and sociological information to reach the largest numbers of people.

One of the largest components of SEO is the search engine itself. Sites like Google use algorithms to parse through nigh-infinite data. SEO structures writing to fit those algorithms. It's the written equivalent of prefabricated metal structures.

Fit Your Writing To The Task At Hand

Certain prefabricated structures are going to be better-suited to certain tasks than others. A prefab building like those in mobile home communities is less likely to be a sturdy storage apparatus. A steel half-moon structure with sloping sides to direct wind, soft colors to deflect the sunlight, and solar panels to absorb it where energy is needed, is going to be more suited to this task.

Likewise, certain keyword saturations will be better for some articles than others. Generally, some broadly effective SEO tips include the use of subtitles to divvy up sections, several outbound links to encourage cross-traffic, several pictures to encourage viewing—the more the better, but there's a limit. Two pictures per six hundred words seems to be a good balance; four max at this word-size. Video is even better, if you can find any.

You're also going to want to tailor your writing so it fits not only the audience to whom you're making an outreach, but the motif of the site where your post will be published. It wouldn't make sense to write a blog post extolling beef on a vegan website, or the conceptual reverse. Think of this as your written foundation. Sinking sand will implode the structure of your article; but solid rocks are replete with complimentary themes.


Building requires blueprints and planning, just as writing does. There is a lot of similarity between these creative mediums. Finding your perfect balance will involve using modern innovations while incorporating extant knowledge as well.

Kevin Bennett

Title: SEO Marketeer

Kevin is an SEO marketeer with OutreachMama and Youth Noise who designs value-rich content aimed at increasing clientele for expanding businesses. Networking, building partnerships, and providing quality products with shareable value make this possible. He's an author (Amphibian and The Thief and the Sacrifice to his credit) whose professional writing follows business trends in technology, marketing, SEO application, and much more.

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