How to Balance Writing with Everything Else
Written by
Pamela Jenkins
September 2016
Written by
Pamela Jenkins
September 2016

A normal person or a genius?

The inspiration comes, and you forget about everything. You don't eat, don't sleep, not to mention humdrum like tidying up or combing your hair. You friends start to think you're not in the town anymore. You girl- or boyfriend starts the old song Why-are-you-not-calling. If you're married it gets even worse, You group mates at the college can't quite recollect your face. Or, maybe, the employers start wondering whether you would return to your working mode or prefer to become a free wandering poet. Sometimes you get precious pages of a brilliant piece of writing that will bring you glory and respect. But there are also times when you finish and see, how much is to be reviewed and rewritten. Then the result is rather upsetting, and just everything is bad. Imagine now, you maintained the balance between the spheres of your life!

You are the best at the college, your room is just like a picture in the interior design magazine. Your friends admire what a beautiful couple you and he/she are – not a quarrel, not a grudge. You don't need any tips for balancing work and family. Your employers are completely happy with you. But what about your dream to become a really good writer? You still keep your poems or prose drafts in the nightstand drawer, the muse still talks to you, but very quietly now. But achieving everyday life goals takes your soul and you feel that soon you'll be writing only academic essays.

Don't panic anyway!

The instructors of creative writing recommend doing several pages regularly, even if you don't feel like it. As time goes by, you'll learn to switch yourself in the “creative mode”. You may establish specific ritual, for example, seat yourself at the window with an inspiring view, or turn the right music on. It is wise to avoid temptation and not to get distracted by chatting, checking emails or new pictures on Instagram. If Instagram pictures sometimes provide you with new thoughts – take a time for them later.

Combine your dream with your daily activities.

Tell you friend, or wife, or husband about new ideas, In this way, you will see it clearer yourself. And the person you trust will be glad to help you. Find right phrases or think of new plot turns while cleaning the house. If you spend too much time with your homework, you might use some helpful sources like customwriting to make you study more effective. Try new things that you have never done before. It will give you bright and diverse impressions to write about, new experience to be more productive in creating characters. And, on the other hand, it is a great opportunity to have fun with your friends, to discover new emotions, and to have a refreshing break. Do some sport and walking! Physical activity improves your blood circulation which is good for the brain. It helps to escape the mental blocks. Learn some meditation techniques. You will be surprised how it will help you in finding the balance in your life.

Remember – you don't need to choose between being successful in everyday life or in your creative work! 

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