This blog was featured on 06/07/2017
Writers — Use BLUE to unleash your creativity!

Each of us has seven selves: self-preservation, self-gratification, self-definition, self-acceptance, self-expression, self-reflection, and self-knowledge. Writers tend to focus on self-expression.

Each self is associated with—and influenced by—a color. Every color has a different wavelength and individual properties, both positive and negative.

Color is simply energy; energy made visible. As human beings, color is the only energy we can see. While the speed of light is a constant 186,282 miles per second, the speed of color—its frequency—travels at varying speeds depending on the color and shade. As it meets the rods and cones in our eyes, the frequency sends a signal to our brain that allows us to distinguish one color from another.

The colors we wear and surround ourselves with in our home and office stimulate the way we think and feel, and the way our body’s organs, glands, and systems function. That’s where color therapy—treatment with the appropriate color—comes in. We can use color to stimulate or inhibit the functioning of different parts of our body; to restore balance and normal function.

To continue reading, follow this link to my article in WOMEN WRITERS, WOMEN'S BOOKS:


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