5 Feng Shui Tips for Writers

Most people who don’t write for a living think it’s the easiest job in the world. It is particularly frustrating when, even when they try and give up after a modicum of effort, they still end up being dismissive about this skill.

Writing is definitely not what it used to be – in the 21st century, it has turned into just a regular day job. Since the online community requires more and more written material for a staggering variety of topics, both fictional and non-fictional, most people who are working in this market have to churn out as many (somewhat) coherent texts as possible.

This can be very exhausting in a way that is hard to explain – it is not exactly the same as physical exhaustion after a day of heavy lifting or mental exhaustion after solving a string of really complicated problems. It is more like a dull fatigue combined with a frustrating inability to write down anything remotely comprehensive.

This is why it is important to employ as many “tools” as possible to increase your output, lessen the impact of fatigue, and deliver texts of marginally consistent quality. Every single detail counts and here are five feng shui tips for writers.

Flow of chi

One of the primary goals of feng shui – for your physical and mental being in equal measure – is to enable the flow of chi through your living environment. One of the best practical ways to achieve a proper flow of chi is to declutter your space from unnecessary items and details and to let the oxygen flow through your household.

Creating a draft before you sit down to work on your sentences is a good way to freshen up – our body needs a lot of oxygen fuel to burn so our brains can work properly. Furthermore, decluttering your household for a better chi flow can help out a lot when it comes to distractions – if your field of view while you’re writing is clear of unnecessary details that can distract you and trigger associations to something completely unrelated, you’re more likely to finish your work on time.

Music flow

Unlike our grandparents, we are the children of noise so writing in silence is practically impossible for us – or at most very rare. The soundscape is an important part of feng shui, as a complex set of sounds can come to define a particular space. In order to find the right music for your work, you can rely on anything that doesn’t break your concentration.

Now, in this regard, tastes and preferences vary drastically, but you’ll never make a mistake with designated feng shui music which is plentiful on platforms like YouTube. You can add some calming natural sounds to the mix – like flowing water, chimes, chirping of birds, etc. Whatever can help you get “in the zone” and get the job done without taking you out of the right frame of mind is a good musical doctrine. Just avoid playing the catchiest songs out there because they will almost certainly place your mind into a debilitating loop.

Perfect lighting

As far as lighting goes, it needs to be strong enough to drown out the glare of the computer screen. This way, you’ll make sure that your eyes aren’t put through an extended period of excruciating strain that can damage your vision in the long run, tire you out and cause annoying migraines.

Furthermore, according to feng shui, it’s perfectly fine to inject some personality into the style of your study area. If your workspace is a dull, uncomfortable place, you'll be less inclined to knuckle down and really get into the nitty-gritty of your work.

The style of your workspace is entirely up to you and it should "reflect your tastes" without (as mentioned before) breaking your concentration. For example, start or end your day by brightening up your work area with scented candles or fragrant reed diffusers such as those from Mor. The mixture of perfect lighting and scent can serve as a sort of “trigger” that puts you in the desired frame of mind when it comes to writing.

Calming plants

This might sound contrary to what was advised above, but turning your gaze away from the screen is welcomed from time to time. This way, you’ll have a chance to rest your eyes for a short while, but you have to choose your “point” of eye-rest carefully.

According to feng shui, adding greenery to your household is a definite plus, and you can use plants to serve as this point of eye resting. However, make sure the lush, calming plant you are looking at is at least three feet away from your head for the maximum resting effect.

Knowledge zone

As you delve further into the art of feng shui, you’ll realize that all households are divided into zones according to the size and geographical positioning of the layout. If you are a writer, there are three zones that should be of some value to you.

There is the career area – which is on the south end, the creativity area, which stands in the east, and the knowledge area which stands on the southwest patch of your household. Place your work desk and your computer in one of these three areas according to your possibilities and the type of writing work you are required to do.


Information has always been the most valued commodity, but in the 21st century, it has turned into a sort of currency with writers as its primary retailers. This is why this has become such a prominent and standardized calling in the digital age. That is why it is important to keep up the pace once you go down this career path, and these five feng shui tips can help you get your writing in order.

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