What is Sexual Agency?
Written by
Maria Cox
August 2018
Written by
Maria Cox
August 2018

What is Sexual Agency?

Well, the simplest way to describe agency is to say that ‘having’ agency is to have the ability to act in a way that accomplishes one’s goals. So, in short to have sexual agency means you know what you want sexually and know how to go about it.

For some people, exercising sexual agency can be very difficult. Often times the issue stems from internalized shame, other times it is due to cultural and/or religious reasons.

Overall, sexual agency plays a vital role in sexual health. And, just like other aspects of life, sexual agency is developed over time through small, reinforceable habits.

Sexual agency includes:

* The ability to accept or decline any sexual activity. You choose whether or not you want to experience sexual activity.

* The ability to define your sexuality.  Regardless of gender, you can identify yourself as: gay, straight, bi-sexual, asexual.       

* The right to decide if you want to exercise safer sex. The right to accept or decline safer sex practices and/or birth control.


Remember, your sexuality is defined by the choices you make yourself, not by the perceptions of others.

To learn more about sexual agency and how to build deeper sexual confidence, click on the links below.

Thank you,

Maria Cox




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