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Written by
April 2019
Written by
April 2019

  So a dead man comes back to life and we celebrate with a bunny

I always thought Santa was the boogie man, and that his elves were the monsters under my bed

God is just another imaginary friend of mine



If I could say anything to my friends it would be...

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Thanks for believing in me when I questioned myself and everyone around me.

Thank you for being a part of a change in my life.

Thank you for giving me courage and understanding, I certainly was wounded and hopeless.

Thank you for giving me hope.

Thank you for seeing me through that dark depression, for lighting my path as you did. All I wanted was to jump the bridge.

Thank you for supporting me as I went full circle and came out on this side...

I'm excited now and wide-eyed, looking for new adventures...

and as I walk this new path,

Thank you for always standing at my side.

Thank you and I love you.

Let's be friends

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