What is Life Really About?

Original post on thespiritualperspective.com, January 27, 2020

Hello Passionate & Purposeful Beings!

Today, I planned a different blog until my heart spoke to me. Like many others across the world, when I heard of Kobe Bryant and his 13-year old girl dying in a helicopter, I searched for meaning. From what I gather, his 13-year-old girl committed to continuing his legacy, the love of basketball, and Kolbe loved his girls and wanted to link purpose and passion with sports for his girls and children around the world.  Over the years, we have lost so many influential people, and there is nothing like a tragedy that brings life into a closer focus.

The question that circled in my mind yesterday was "What is life really about?"  Although I was not a consistent fan of Kobe Bryant,  occasionally, I watched some of the games he played and often sat in awe of such great talent. I learned a lot about Kobe Bryant yesterday and the positive things he was doing  (fatherhood, helping others to live out their dreams through his studio, books, and others) and the dreams he had, even for his 13-year old daughter.

We may not understand what God does. Though,  I believe that in all experiences, there lie meaning and purpose.   The meaning we give to experiences is different for everyone.  Many times God used great figures to get our attention.  What is God trying to tell us?

I believe that, for me,

  1. Align my actions and thoughts with God's will and to help our children do the same.
  2. Live in the present; therefore, when our daughter and son came charging in our room during Kobe Bryant's tributes, multiple times, I took the time to address their needs.
  3. I thanked God for life and the family he gave me.
  4. I prayed for the world, including Kobe Bryant's family and the others who were on the helicopter.
  5. Nothing that we produced on earth goes with us.
  6. We are all accountable for what we do with the gifts and talents that God gave us.

I believe that God hears our prayers, and I continue to pray for continued compassion, love, and peace for everything and everyone.



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