Good Evening!
Written by
Deborah Ailman
September 2016
Written by
Deborah Ailman
September 2016

What are you saying exactly- when you talk to yourself?

Take a little time to notice that today. Take a little time to notice how you feel when you talk to yourself. If you feel good, if you feel like the thoughts you think spur you on to reach your goals then good for you.

But if that is not the case then you may want to notice what goes on in your head. Are you beating yourself up mentally? Are you selling yourself short?

Why not try talking to yourself like your own best friend? Just try it, and see the difference it can make in the way you think and feel.

#optimisticallyyours #LOA #crystalhealing#counselingwithdebbie #positivethinking #debbieailman #lifecoaching

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  • Louise Lowry

     Thanks Deborah, I had to laugh while reading your post as these days I seem to have endless conservations with myself. Fortunately the voice that speaks back is supportive and usually one of  "of course you can do it, just go for it whats the big deal''?