Dear Universe: Hi, It's Me Christina...

So here we are . . . Scared to pieces about writing "The Book."  I wanna fully adopt that 'so-cool-don't-care-it's-there-deal-with-it' attitude.

If not for the questions inside.

If you're here you know them: Is it really any good? I mean, would anyone besides my family or close friend actually get past the first page and a) not be horrified or b) not wilt at the occasional (okay, borderline excessive) profanity and innuendo? (P.S. The  "innuendo" is what I am REALLY concerned about).

And finally . . .

Will my voice resonate with someone--anyone? Anyone? Will it make someone laugh? Like, out loud, can't help myself HAAA HAA HAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA laugh? Will it help? Feel good? Promote inclusion? A giggle? A chance to briefly commiserate, and maybe, just maybe give someone that ultimate escape, adventure, and hope?

I think so many of us write for the same reasons. It is like breathing.  We feel compelled.To recreate that feeling we have as readers--those people who pore through book after book after book from the time we're young. It is such nirvana to get into a fantastic read. Sometimes it is simply life-altering. And those times are the best. But I still love a merely great read.

So do we have what it takes to do the same?

Maybe or maybe not. Maybe we just love writing, and that will be enough. Which honestly--truly, madly, deeply--is pretty darn indulgent and fun. I am here because for me, life is like a screenplay. Every day I am writing another scene in my head. But wait--it's Life, and some of this you just can't make up. Am I the only one who goes to the juice bar and stands in line for twenty minutes building story lines in her head? (In full disclosure, sometimes it's the "juice" bar...and sometimes it is the "bar" bar.) But I am in amazement at the raw, unstoppable, funny, and so utterly wonderful stories that life presents each and every day. And so I write about it . . .

I got a solid case of that gnawing bellyache. Every. Damn. Day. Write, report, repeat. So here we go.

Love and light, She Writers. Love and light.

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  • Christina Macaulay

    Hello Thea & Lynn! Yes- I use my iphone dictation & it is fabulous. I am still a big fan of having a notebook with me wherever I go..In the HUGE handbag/suitcase. You can always try voice text message/email to yourself which takes care of 80% of the transcription. Then just clean up the format,pronunciation, punctuation etc  later. I don't know about you- but my best work is when it is streaming from my head to the pen/page...It is more authentic. You have A VOICE. A dear friend of mine asked me today "What would life be like if you did not need to rein yourself in?" I kind of love that,  Thea- if they are words with meaning for you- and even if it's only for you- then each one is a sparkly, pretty diamond. Looking forward to seeing your tiara:)

    Peace and Plenty Dear She Writers! Christina

  • Lynn M. Andrews

    Hi! I'm pretty new to this site as well…….

    Yup, you pretty much hit the proverbial nail on the head! I can plot out whole scenes in my head, usually while driving in the car, and really, REALLY wish I could some how get them out on paper right from there; skipping the part where you sit down and write it out. Makes me sound lazy but it is really more about being using my time efficiently (that would be the Type A personality in me speaking up!) Someone had suggested I try using a voice recorder so when the muse strikes I get the thoughts out immediately on the fly. Actually, does anyone else do this?

  • Thea Constantine

    You hit the nail on the head--we don't talk about this part very often.... I just had another author friend send me an e-mail  the other day asking if I ever questioned myself and worried that maybe her writing really sucked. I wrote back right away and said I didn't know a single writer that didn't. I hate it--but there it is..I think  just getting it out there helps put it in perspective, just part of the process--like taking out the trash!